PUENTE Adult Classes focus on offering high-quality instruction that will prepare students for their future.
PUENTE offers adult students courses of study in English As A Second Language, High School Diploma & HiSET Certification, and Career Skills.
At PUENTE, adult classes have a favorable learning atmosphere that encourage students to persist towards their educational goals, with a higher retention rate compared with adult school sites district-wide. Many adult students attend multiple classes, with 1,300+ classroom seats filled by 700+ students each year.
Beyond the academic, many of our adult students also attend our community activities and have family members in our programs for children and youth.
Every day, PUENTE directly provides courses of study as well as supplements the classes of our educational partners, including East Los Angeles Occupational Center, Los Angeles City College, and others. Together with our partners, PUENTE offers opportunities for adult students to increase employability, obtain technical training, and acquire language and academic skills for career readiness.
We are an inclusive campus, and all students are welcome. This is your school, your community, your future. We look forward to helping you on your educational journey.

English as a Second Language (ESL)
Each year, hundreds of adults study ESL at PUENTE through our partnership with East Los Angeles Occupational Center and East LA College. ESL classes are available for all levels of language proficiency, from beginner to advanced. PUENTE also offers direct-service ESL enrichment classes in Conversation as well as Civics and Citizenship.
All ESL classes are open enrollment and free of charge.
High School Diploma and
HiSET Test Preparation
Over 200 adult students enroll each year in our Individual Instruction Lab (II Lab) to make up credits toward their high school diploma. The II Lab consistently achieves a 75% overall persistence rate and a 100% graduation rate for students on track to complete within the academic year.
PUENTE also prepares students for the HiSET Test. The HiSET replaces the GED as a high school equivalency exam. To increase access, we offer HiSET Test Preparation in Spanish.
PUENTE delivers these courses in partnership with East LA Occupational Center. Our staff members play an important role in enhancing the work of our partner.

Career Skills
PUENTE creates pathways to gainful and skills-based employment through direct-service Digital Literact classes, including Computer Essentials, Google Workspace, AI Essentials and more.
Through our partners (ELAOC), we offer courses in Computer Operations, Office Occupations, Child Development, and Medical Office Administration.
Community Services
To further enhance the Adult Education experience, PUENTE collaborates with community partners to provide additional services. These include food distribution events, health screenings, community resource fairs, and workshops on topics such as family wellness, financial literacy, and immigrant rights.

Want to register for classes or learn more?
View the current class schedule and complete an online registration form. Questions? Email adults@puente.org or call our front desk at 323-780-8900 during business hours.
You can also visit our location and speak to someone directly.
If you’re a student from our partner schools, you may reach out to your counselor or advisor.
Are you an employer interested in hiring from PUENTE?
With hundreds of adult students who complete our courses of study each year, and our family of alumni in the thousands, PUENTE has a sizeable pool of talent that is skilled and workforce-ready.
If you are an employer who is interested in hiring from PUENTE Learning Center students and graduates, visit our location or contact us at jobs@puente.org
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